Friday, March 03, 2006

One Billion Views - Megalomaniac Websites

After the success of Alex Tew's million dollar home page, plenty of people have had similar ideas.

Alex, a 21 year old from Wiltshire (he’s English – hurrah!), sold space on his website one pixel at a time. With a 1000 by 1000 pixel canvas, you could say it’s worked out alright for him.

This spawned plenty of copycat sites which, satisfyingly, haven’t done so well. But the next big one is the race to have a website with one billion visitors. The original appears to be, who registered the page on the 30th October just gone, and opened for business in November. An imaginatively titled rival started up on the 17th January, shamelessly claiming the idea as his own.

Things are currently pretty tight, with both sites working towards their first half million, but I know whose side I’m on!

Meanwhile, my ambitions are more modest – double figures in the comments count would make me a happy man!

P.S. A special hello to anyone who has come here from - Welcome!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mate, I truly appreciate your support !

And I hope my site gets you some very avid readers/visitors too.

Good luck and best wishes.


Mon Mar 06, 10:33:00 am  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul, you paid 44 'bucks' to get your advert for this blog up on that site?!? But you are not actually selling stuff, right?
So, why did you feel it was a good idea?
Was it to:
a) Support the guy who started the site by giving him £25.66 of your 'hard earnt' (well, earnt by selling nappies) cash
b) A similarly megalomaniacal attempt to increased the number of visitor to your blog

Is there's any chance of this guy reaching a billion? I mean, one billion is a million million (certainly for the UK), right? So, after 127 days (as of 6/3/06) he has had 564120 views (including 2 from me - wow), so at that rate he'll be done in 225123818 days, or 616368 years from now (sometime in October).

However, if - as I hear you cry - a billion is in fact the American definition of a thousand million, then he'll reach his goal in the glorious summer of the year 2622. Of course, giant cockroaches will rule the earth by then, so no-one will care...

Mon Mar 06, 02:28:00 pm  

Blogger Paul said...

Yep. And I'd do it again if I had to!

(You put a lot of effort into working that out, I appreciate the concern).

Tue Mar 07, 08:37:00 am  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok - I see. If you pay me $44 I'll put a link to your site in my email signature.

I have lots of friends (well, at least six), and am quite happy to spam people on your behalf.

Tue Mar 07, 10:39:00 am  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually AJ never claimed he was the first, he said the aussie guy was the first but what he did say is he didnt know it was done already! Good luck to both of them anyway.

Mon Mar 13, 10:06:00 pm  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hm no AJ claims everywhere that he is the original and official one billion page views homepage.

Thu Mar 16, 10:52:00 am  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of daily traffic are you getting from the one billion aussie dude?

Thu Mar 16, 10:02:00 pm  

Blogger Paul said...

Not a bad amount, it's probably my biggest referrer now.

Mon Mar 20, 08:34:00 am  

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