Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Dialectic Delights

I love accents. They bring me great amusement and joy. Not in a patronising way you understand - it's more about the variety and differentness.

In fact I'm sure you at least know someone who would profess to swoon over some fanciful young thing's dreamy Irish lilt. But I also enjoy the less celebrated regional intonations. To some, the South African accent is grating, but I love it, admittedly partly because it reminds me of my motherland. Others might find a thick Brummie accent offensive, but it brings a smile to my lips. And who doesn't enjoy the challenge of trying to understand what a Geordie is saying to them?

At the George Mason Univerity in Fairfax, Virginia, they are carrying out a research project around this. Check it out - have a play around and listen to some of them. Notice the Texan talking extremely fast so that he doesn't come across as dumb! (Without wanting to sound rude, there are certain accents that make it hard to take their owners seriously).

But this is an ongoing project - so can I plead with the northerners among us, don't just take a look at the site. For anthropological science, and for the good of my soul, please donate samples of your voice. The world wouldn't be the same without you!


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